Referring a friend or business is a great way to tell others about Lesters. As with all offers, there are a few rules so everyone plays fair, here they are:
Lesters umbrella employees can...
Refer multiple friends – there’s no limit. Referred friends must be completely new to Lesters. They can’t have used Lesters umbrella employment services before at any time.
Referred friends can...
Join Lesters as a referred friend if they’ve never used Lesters umbrella employment services before at any time. They can start referring their own friends as soon as they have successfully completed the Lesters umbrella employee onboarding process.
When referring friends, Lesters umbrella employees will receive a one time £50 Gift Card, subject to the following conditions:
What if…
A referred friend does not successfully complete the umbrella employee onboarding process? for example if the work placement is cancelled or terminated for any reason. The Lesters umbrella employee will not be eligible for the reward.
Rules or incentives change or end?
It’s not often, but this can happen. If it does, Lesters will reflect the changes here.
A referred friend or referring Lesters umbrella employee has questions?
Lesters will reply and any decisions made will be at Lesters sole discretion.